Ten years after Black Earth, Dennis created Redemption along with Jason and Vikram in July 2016. Kishan played drums on this track and Kakoli helped with lyrics. This is the last song that he recorded.

Dennis' personality was a unique juxtaposition of calmness and energy. When you spoke with him you would feel this sense of stillness, like he took away all of your anxiety. But his voice carried such vibrance and intensity, that it would wake every nerve in your body.

You will feel this when you listen to Redemption.

I don't know how it came to me
The darkness gave away to see
What lay in front of me

I'll last from lessons learnt
It gives me wings again to fly

I'll tell you something
The best thing about it
Is faith finds a new beginning
With a little heartache
You get where you need to find you


Ten years after Black Earth, Dennis created Redemption along with Jason and Vikram in July 2016. Kishan played drums on this track and Kakoli helped with lyrics. This is the last song that he recorded.

Dennis' personality was a unique juxtaposition of calmness and energy. When you spoke with him you would feel this sense of stillness, like he took away all of your anxiety. But his voice carried such vibrance and intensity, that it would wake every nerve in your body.

You will feel this when you listen to Redemption.

I don't know how it came to me
The darkness gave away to see
What lay in front of me

I'll last from lessons learnt
It gives me wings again to fly

I'll tell you something
The best thing about it
Is faith finds a new beginning
With a little heartache
You get where you need to find you
